Monday 03 October 2005

Protecting Or Abolishing The Legacy Of Governor General?

Last week Adrienne Clarkson stepped down and Michaelle Jean stepped in as the Governor General of Canada. Notwithstanding the polarized political sentiment carried by this new office, Canadians are again questioning the need to continue honoring our vestigial monarchial past with an appointed head of state. Proponents who favor abolishing this office cite the need for Canadians to finalize our political independence from Britain in today’s post-Elizabethan era. Other critics are dissatisfied with the unnecessary expenses incurred by such office that functions only to promote our continual subservient tie to the aging monarchial system.

As a Canadian, I feel that the symbol of Governor General can serve not only to honor our colonial past but to promote patriotism in Canada by being an ambassador of Canadians for Canadians. Bridging the relationship between the Governor General and Canadians on a grassroots level will not only silence its opponents but make all citizens in Canada proud of their colonial heritage.

By Philip Jong • At 09:00 AM • Under Column • Under World
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